Hey, my name is Matthew Lepre and I help everyday people escape the education and employment system by teaching them how to start a profitable online E-commerce store of their own.

Join the academy that has helped thousands of people launch a profitable ecom store

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Student Reviews

Guy made $47,000 in a month


Dev went from nothing to $5,000 in six days

Sydney, Australia

Ashwin went from 0 to $140,000 in less than four months

Bali, Indonesia

Max went from 0 to $4,000 in less than a month

Melbourne, Australia

Don made few thousands in a few days

FB Ad Results

$168,778 In Sales

(6.05 x ROAS)

Google Ad Results

$87,793 In Sales

(16 x ROAS)

Hi, i’m

Matthew Lepre


The internet has completely changed my life. I grew up as an average guy in an average suburb, with a single mum, working 3 jobs to try and earn $1,000/wk.

Today, I run two multiple-6-figure businesses and I now have the flexibility to build the lifestyle I love – spending more time with my family, taking a few extra vacations per year, and even just having enough money in the bank to know that I’ll be fine in case of a ‘rainy day’.


Million Dollar Product Guide

How I Find VIRAL Products That Generate Thousands In Sales DAILY In Four Simple Steps!

Million Dollar Product Accelerator

The perfect companion to your product guide. Includes how to build your store after finding your Million Dollar Product!

EWA Mini-course

Discover how this business model works and the step-by-step process we use to make money with ecommerce.


Learn everything you need to know to get started with your first profitable online store